Why Is Drain Cleaning So Important?

A drains main function is to flush all wastewater out of the home; this makes the area a prime location for the build-up of mould and bacteria. So, why is drain cleaning so important?

Drain cleaning is far from the most glamorous task for any homeowner but it is important for your health, safety and comfort.

When you think about it, your kitchen regularly has some pretty yucky things washed down the pipes, from food borne illness causing germs to food particles. In bathrooms for instance, you brush your teeth, bathe your body and wash your hands, letting all that residual water wash down the drain. These areas can get filthy without regular cleaning, as build up from germs, mould and oils can accumulate in these moist areas over time. This can cause a real health threat over time, in addition to causing smells and looking unsightly. So then, are you ready to start drain cleaning?

A great place to start is to simply add drain cleaning to your regular cleaning schedule, this way you can ensure your drains stay clear of debris and fresh all year round. Use boiling water once a week to flush out your drains, this should be sufficient to keep most germs and mould growth under control.

Many professionals recommend natural and environmentally-friendly cleaning solutions such as baking soda and vinegar combined with regular cleaning to successfully prevent the most common drain blockages and odour problems.

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