How to Keep Account Customers Happy - Plumber advice

Regular account custom is often at the heart of a successful plumbing business. If they feel as though they are treated well, account customers will often end up taking out lengthy contracts with the potential for contract growth being highly likely too. It’s important however, not to take advantage of account custom, in favour of drawing in new customers. In this blog post we talk about some key customers happy, in particular those who have been with you for a very long time.

Be honest about timeframes

If you’re struggling to get hold of a necessary part, or perhaps the job might take longer than you first anticipated, it’s important to communicate any problems to your account customer. Often they are reliant on the problem being resolved quickly and sufficiently, and may have to plan around any problems that crop up. It’s best to let everyone know as soon as you do if the job is likely to be bigger than you first thought.

Treat each customer as an individual

Just as in any business, people buy from people and it’s important to create a personalised experience for each customer in order to provide the best customer service care. Account customers are often in high-pressure jobs and so enjoy a personalised experience much more. They are more likely to buy from someone they like and so, will look to trusting a plumber who is approachable and trustworthy above anything else.

Share your best price upfront

A customer with a larger account doesn’t want to waste time haggling you down on price, so be honest with your best price upfront and let them know of any special offers too. Even though they may be paying a monthly based account, it doesn’t mean they want to feel like they aren’t getting the best value for their business. Often larger invoices are under scrutiny in businesses, so it’s best to increase both credibility and customer satisfaction by not trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

Final word

Customers with accounts are often the bread and butter of plumbing businesses, and so should be made to feel special and valued as much as possible. Looking after an account customer could mean you are really taking care of your business’ bottom line, and so developing a long standing relationship which continues to benefit both parties.

If you’re in need of reliable plumbing and heating supplies for your business, why not contact us today to see how we can help you.

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